Monday, December 13, 2004

Global Citizens?

As we figure out career paths, issues, ourselves, and plan for the future, we are faced with a world that is very small and very big at the same time. One reason I think it is small is because technology has made everything available to us all the time. I also think that globalization has robbed many communities of their identity, making strip-malls out of towns and turning people into buyers, and threatening the environment. I think it is big (maybe cold or lonely) because all of these changes make it harder for individuals to make meaningful connections to the people and places around them.

Our Planning course has moved back and forth from the individual (health, careers, skills) to society (issues, health, etc.). One idea that links the parts of the course is "citizenship" -- what does it take to be a member of society? Where does personal freedom and social responsibility begin?

I invite your comments (here or on your blog) on the topics of media awareness, globalization, citizenship, fast-food culture, or challenges to identity.


At 2:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont think that the fast food industry is that bad. If people didnt eat there so much. There should be less fast food restaurants, but if we didnt have any I would miss it. People should be responsable enough to choose not to eat there so often anyways. There are so many fast food restaurants becase they are so popular. They shouldn't have to make laws or force people to exercize to graduate or anything. People should choose to do things on their own. The responsable people will do well in life and the people who blame other things and people for their problems wont.


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