Friday, October 22, 2004

Block C Online Tests

There are many tests on the internet to measure your health, intelligence, personality, confidence, skills, and fincancial plans. Some are free, some or not. Some are useful, some are not. Your goal is to find (and take) two free, useful, online tests about anything appropriate to Planning 10.

You may have to look through a few test sites before you find what you want (e.g. has some good and bad ones). Explore with a good search before you commit to a test.

You will decide if the test/results are private & free (e.g. don't require a login or a fee), and if the information you get is useful or not (from the perspective of a Planning 10 student). To show your work, respond to this blog (one comment per student) by saying

1. the web addresses and titles of two free/useful online tests
2. what you thought of your results -- were they accurate? meaningful?
3. what value would you place on the tests?, would you recommend it to others?
4. put your name in your comment (e.g. Marcy B.) so I can give you some marks


At 1:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my first quiz was the sleep test at
I didn't know if the results were accurate because I didn't get them so I don'd know if they were meaning full I think the tes would be valuable if you had the symptms listed, but I wouldn't recomend it to others because to get more results you had to pay so it wasn't totally free. The second quiz I took was the what kind of friend are you test at I dont think the results were accurate so they weren't meaningfull. It wouldn't really be a valuable test but it is fun to take. I wouldn't recomend it to other people because I think it was very innaccurate.

Kyleen Norum


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