Thursday, October 21, 2004

Block A Online Tests

In-class assignment... (due to network hang-ups, posts accepted until Oct 26, late/marked out of 5 after that):
-the web address of two free/useful online test
-what you thought of your results, the value of the test, and whether you would recommend it to others
-put your name in your comment (e.g. Marcy B.) so I can give you some marks (out of 10)


At 1:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi mr.thielmann i did my firest test on sleep and it said that i have very poor slepp functions skills and i idontr really no if it is a good test or not because i didnt understand all of the second test was a summer job test and it said that i should work in a cafe and well i dont no if i would do that but it is better then in a office because it is more relaxed

At 1:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi mr.thielmann i did my firest test on sleep and it said that i have very poor slepp functions skills and i idontr really no if it is a good test or not because i didnt understand all of the second test was a summer job test and it said that i should work in a cafe and well i dont no if i would do that but it is better then in a office because it is more relaxed rachel steffensen


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