Monday, December 06, 2004

Supersize Me!

What did you think of the movie? You can respond here as a comment or post a response on your own blog. As an occasional eater of fast food, I found the movie disturbing, kind of a refresher on why I should lim it the junk food intake even though it tastes so good. I'm not getting any younger and the fast food, as good as it tastes, is probably shortening my life. Visit the Supersize Me website for some interesting info and free downloads (like the theme song).


At 8:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That movie showed alot with what fast food can do to your body. I personally dont like mcdonalds but will eat it from time to time. Fast food can casue kidney and heart problems. Both are very important organs. Even though the movie did prove a point, i dont think the man needed to go the extreme.


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