Thursday, January 27, 2005

Last shot (here) for Portfolio work

After Planning 10 is done, completing your grad portfolio requirements will be your full responsibility. You have been able to contribute to many "Choice Aspects" in this course: 1.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 6.3, 6.4 -- most of them at the 3 out of 5 level. Read through the requirements for each of the 4th and 5th mark out of 5 in the Choice section of your Grad Program Guide (pages 25-64). You may wish to write or create some evidence which shows that you have addressed these criteria (and submit on paper or online). Examples of evidence can be seen in the Portfolio Guide (pages 71-77). You can base your evidence on something you have already done in Planning or elsewhere, or you could write/create something new. To get the 4th and 5th mark on a "Choice Aspect," you can submit your evidence here, on your blog, drag to the Hand-in server folder, or on paper/hard product. About three blog contributions are expected for your final unit evaluation (less if one of them is more "involved") -- e.g. Financial planning feedback, PARTY feedback, Community Involvement post or comment, thoughts on racism, diversity, human rights, and communication skills.

Monday, January 24, 2005

more on the Photo Essay

Click here to see your class handout on the Photo Essay Assignment. What next? After you've chosen an issue and taken some pictures, you need to order and display them. Build your photos into a story by arranging and labelling them on your blog or a powerpoint (see the handout for more options). The pictures and your captions or explanations will talk about the issue from your point of view. Need more tips? See the post below for getting pics onto the net, and another post way below for how to post pics to your blog.

Thursday, January 20, 2005


Here's how you save stuff (like a picture) so it can appear on the web:
1. In your server folder (e.g. Marcy Brown's "mbrown" folder that comes up when she logs in), there should be a folder called public_html (make one if you don't see it) -- anything you put in this special folder is now on the web
2. For example, Marcy has a picture of "school spirit" she wants to share on her blog. She calls the picture spirit1.jpg and places it in the public_html folder. The web address for her picture is now http://www.dpts/sd57/bc/ca/~mbrown/spirit1.jpg
3. Press shift and the key next to the 1 on your keyboard to make the ~ (also called a tilde). Anything that is web-readable (e.g. ,jpg or .pdf or .doc or .mov) can now be seen using this process

More examples... Marcy has an assignment called resume.doc and a movie of another assignment called she wants to make available o the internet. She puts them in the public_html folder and others can see them at http://www.dpts/sd57/bc/ca/~mbrown/resume.doc and http://www.dpts/sd57/bc/ca/~mbrown/

Try it -- it's quite cool -- you can use this feature to post work, pictures, movies, whatever. If it works, leave a comment here showing others where to find your stuff and what they should be looking at. ou can even have folders inside your public_html folder so you can irganize things. I have a folder called blogpics inside mine, so (for example) a picture I have of a family of mullets is located at

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Dave from PARTY

Interested in donating to Dave? Take a look at Robyn's post to learn more.

We have already collected about $50 to present to Dave sometime soon

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Community Involvement & Responsibility

Please refer to your Grad Portfolio Student Guidebook for this activity... or view the entire Grad Portfolio document online, or wait to get a copy in class.

Portfolio Choice Aspect 2.2 deals with positive interpersonal communications skills
Portfolio Choice Aspect 2.3 deals with responding to human rights
Portfolio Choice Aspect 2.4 deals with respect for diversity

GET MARKS FOR YOUR PORTFOLIO BY DOING ACTIVITES ONINE: Planning 10 covers some parts of each of these aspects -- you will get marks towards your "Choice" section of your portfolio simply by passing various assignments in the class. If, however, you want 5/5 for any of these, you will need to do a bit more. So... you may choose one (or more) of these options to complete (let your teacher know when you are done, so your portfolio mark can be recorded):

1. You have had many opportunities for develop skills for positive interpersonal communication in Planning 10. Use your blog to write about the impact of these skills on personal, peer, and/or school-based relationships (gives you the 5th mark for Aspect 2.2). Start by doing a websearch on what makes good personal interpersonal communication skills (e.g. ability to listen, understand, communicate).

2. Find an online location where you can participate in an activity that supports or promotes human rights. If you can, you could start such an activity (a blog or web forum on tolerance or human rights, email campaign, getting information from a member of the government, etc.). You may also use your blog to evaluate the outcome/s of the human rights activity -- report on whether the activity is effective, etc. (can give you up to all 5 marks for Aspect 2.3).

3. Use the internet to help identify a local or global situation where action is needed to support or promote respect for diversity. First, define diversity (e.g. cultural, religious, generational, etc.). Describe the situation, identify the root causes and appropriate actions that could develop respect for diversity and lessen the conflict (can give you up to the first 3 marks for Aspect 2.4).

Monday, January 10, 2005

PARTY program

What did you get out of our field trip to PGRH and the P.A.R.T.Y. program?

Financial Planning feedback

Now that you've prepared a budget based on three scenarios (limited student lifestyle, first job some limits, great job few limits), what do you think of budgeting and personal financing? What challenges do/will you face in meeting money needs? What parts of your budget were "cash-hogs" (seemed to drain your budget the most). Did you find good websites while researching your budget items (if so, you can provide the link/s)? Feel free to comment here on the above questions, or you can post something on your own blog.