Thursday, April 21, 2005

Tradesperson Assignment

Planning 10 Careers "Lab" assignment on Trades (to be completed in class Thursday, April 21/05)

First block:
1. Search online to find out what kinds of trades are out there (e.g. welding, carpentry, millwright, drafting, plumbing, masonry, electrician, roofing, building maintenace, etc.)
2. Gather some information about a trade or trades program -- what kinds of things do you do in the job, what do you get paid, what kind of training did you need? where did you get it?
3. Prepare a brief statement as if you were a tradesperson in that trade. This is a two-minute speech where you give your (fake) name, decribe your job, what you like/dislike, your training, etc. Suggestion: write down or print out a few notes to make the "speech" go easier.

Second block:
1. Practice you speech to yourself a couple of times so you don't have to read any notes... become the tradesperson!
2. Deliver your speech to the video camera in the "speaker's corner" set up in class. Press record on the camera, speak clearly & directly to the mike/camera, try to use vocal inflection, facial expression, etc. that fits your "persona" -- keep the whole thing under 2 minutes!

Miss today? Figure this one out on your own and let me know by comment how/where you did an alternative assignemnt.


At 7:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Thielmann,

One of the categories in my article directory is Business ... while searching for blogs on careers, I discovered " Tradesperson Assignment ".

We all know that the best content on the internet is created by bloggers ... unbiased first hand knowledge, experiences and opinions.

As someone who may be interested in careers, I believe you will find our Business section to be of interest. I am always looking for bloggers to contribute articles and help me to build the directory to everyone's benefit. As a contributor, you get the recognition of having your article published and seen by thousands of web users. The pride and satisfaction of seeing your article published in a prestige directory is hard to beat.

Not all of us are gifted with the ability to write to professional standards of grammatical correctness ... as a result, many bloggers don't bother to have their articles published.

I welcome an informal style of writing that matches your personality and fits in with your article content. I also appreciate articles that are uniquely based on your individual experiences, talents and ideas. All I request is that your content does not contain vulgar language, incite hatred or generally offensive.

Without any obligation ... please come over and have a look at my blog articles directory for yourself.

Best Regards

At 10:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey everyone! Cool site! The customer support seems good and the technology jobs are endless. Maybe I will have a better directmatch searching for human resources
since my keyword "customer care jobs" did not fit as intended.
Glad I found you! Keep on keepin on!

At 12:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey everyone! Cool site! The customer support seems good and the technology jobs are endless. Maybe I will have a better directmatch searching for human resources
since my keyword "customer care jobs" did not fit as intended.
Glad I found you! Keep on keepin on!

At 7:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey everyone! Cool site! The customer support seems good and the technology jobs are endless. Maybe I will have a better directmatch searching for human resources
since my keyword "customer care jobs" did not fit as intended.
Glad I found you! Keep on keepin on!

At 6:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

John, hope all is well with your" leagal jobs" search.
Maybe you can find looking for "careers" at
Just make sure you come back to this site to let us know how you are doing!

At 11:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Straving forcused %%desc%% maean we have remove obstacles %%desc%% that block our visual path.

At 11:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

%%desc%% job is part our time management scheme.


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