Last shot (here) for Portfolio work
After Planning 10 is done, completing your grad portfolio requirements will be your full responsibility. You have been able to contribute to many "Choice Aspects" in this course: 1.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 6.3, 6.4 -- most of them at the 3 out of 5 level. Read through the requirements for each of the 4th and 5th mark out of 5 in the Choice section of your Grad Program Guide (pages 25-64). You may wish to write or create some evidence which shows that you have addressed these criteria (and submit on paper or online). Examples of evidence can be seen in the Portfolio Guide (pages 71-77). You can base your evidence on something you have already done in Planning or elsewhere, or you could write/create something new. To get the 4th and 5th mark on a "Choice Aspect," you can submit your evidence here, on your blog, drag to the Hand-in server folder, or on paper/hard product. About three blog contributions are expected for your final unit evaluation (less if one of them is more "involved") -- e.g. Financial planning feedback, PARTY feedback, Community Involvement post or comment, thoughts on racism, diversity, human rights, and communication skills.